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Frequently Asked Questions

XPTV Hub features a collection of shows from lots of genres like comedy, drama, reality TV, documentaries, and many others. It is compatible with most devices, allowing users to watch on their televisions, computers, smartphones, and tablets. It is available in almost every country around the world, offering both global and localised content to suit the preferences of different audiences.
XPTV Hub is updated weekly with new content, and new cutting edge TV Shows. Click away and enjoy the XPTV Hub!

It’s FREE! That’s right… You can stream all of our current content to any of your internet-connected devices at no cost. You don’t even need to register to watch.

We will be adding premium content soon, which will be available only to subscribers, and we’ll let you know the subscription prices when we’re ready to launch that new section. In the meantime, anyone who registers for a free subscription now will receive 3 months free access to all of our premium content when we open up the paid subscriptions.

Discover a multitude of digital platforms where you can indulge in the XPTV Hub. Alongside our live web browser, we have a host of upcoming digital platforms that ensure easy accessibility to the XPTV Hub on all smart devices.

XPTV Hub boasts a diverse array of programming, including classic TV and film, as well as a selection of syndicated shows exclusively licensed to our platform. With a focus on providing unique content, we strive to offer our viewers a one-of-a-kind viewing experience. So, what will you choose to watch on XPTV Hub?

If there’s something you’d like to watch which isn’t already on XPTV Hub, you can request it by sending us an email to THIS ADDRESS.

We can’t promise to add everything you ask for, but we’ll do our best to include any request that fits with our company policies, and that we can legally obtain.

Please note that due to the volume of requests we receive we can’t always reply directly to these emails, but be assured that we read them all, and will let you know if/when we add your request to our catalogue.

To cancel your subscription, access your account login and navigate to the subscription section. There, you can select the option to cancel your subscription. It’s important to note that your account will remain active until the next scheduled renewal date.

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